Logic was for Aristotle the necessary tool of any inquiry, quiz help the syllogism was the series that each one logical conception follows . He announced the notion of class into logic quiz help taught that truth might be categorised according exam help several categoriessubstance the basic class , high-quality, amount , relation, decision in time quiz help space, action, interest or passivity, position, quiz help condition. Chief Exponents of Realism: Aristotle explained that A tree can exist with out matter, but regardless of can exist without form . Question: How can exam help tree exist with out matterhow is that feasible?Answer: Before they were made, they began as an idea in a persons’ head quiz help it did not exist. Logical Explanation: exam help chair can exist in a persons head; that you would be able to sit on exam help chair but not on an idea of exam help chair . The Classical Realists Chief Exponents of RealismChief Exponents of Realism: Aristotle also explained that every object had its own soul that directs it in the right way.